XYZ minigames map
With the XYZ Minigames map, you can enjoy 50 different games in Minecraft PE.
Project Earth map
Project Earth is a map for Minecraft PE with an ambitious goal: to create a replica of the entire planet.
New Clark сity map
New Clark City is a fairly big town map that doesn’t fall too far into gigantism.
The View Server huge map
The View Server is an almost 3GB Minecraft world that features multiple cities and intricate landscaping, built by over 100 players over the years.
Liberia City map
Liberia City is a fairly large map for Minecraft PE that you can freely explore or live in.
Lost Dunes map
Lost Dunes is a large-scale map for Minecraft PE featuring an entire planet of sand with just one small water source.
Elysian Isles giant 17k map
Elysian Isles is a massive 17,000 x 17,000 block map for Minecraft Bedrock that will make you feel small in its vast world.